The Farmyard

Outside Auntie Eileen’s is surrounded by an acre and a half of informal ever evolving Australian cottage garden. It is a garden designed to be wandered through, to be played in and to provide a sheltered place to picnic. There is not only seasonal flowers to enjoy but produce to be picked from the citrus orchard and covered veggie patch.

Wandering the garden is the duck quintet, always chatting and moving from one spot to the next. In the back paddock the pigs have their two rustic residences, while our small flock of sheep move through a three paddocks cycle gently grazing down the grass. In the chook run the hens are busy scratching the ground and laying their eggs. At various times of the year young ones are born and are raised by their mother’s. These resident animals provide a gentle introduction to farmyard animals especially for children.

If you would like to get up close and personal with the animals you can pop on a pair of the gumboots provided and join John when he does his morning feeding rounds. You can also help him tend the covered veggie patch. If this is not your thing and you would rather have a lay in, don’t worry the animals needs will be looked after quickly and quietly and your privacy respected.